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Finding the Good in the “Bad”

So, I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. Nothing serious, just can’t get out of my own head. For the most part I start each day remembering what I am thankful for and truly appreciating my life and all that is good about it right now. I’ve talked about gratitude before in another post so I won’t belabor the benefits of feeling grateful. Instead I thought I would just put into words all of the great things that have come out of recent experiences in my life that some might view (as I did for awhile) as bad. Here goes: I have made several good friends that I would never have known had it not been for my last relationship. I have made several new friends since moving to a new place. I have a nice place to live. I enjoy the scenery in my new neighborhood when I walk. I get to walk around a beautiful lake with ducks and geese and turtles and bunnies and other random wildlife. I have a new great breakfast place. I still have the opportunity to visit and appreciate my old neighborhood from time to time. A lot of good things in my life have remained the same, like my awesome kids. I have great health and am more fit than I have been in a long time. I’ve had to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I’m learning to dance. I’m spending more time writing and have rediscovered my enjoyment of writing poetry. I get to enjoy the adventures of dating ;). I am feeling useful by helping a business person get his books in order. I feel useful by keeping my roommate’s house clean and other small things to make her life easier. I am more dedicated and consistent with my meditation practice. I’m thinner. I’ve learned to release fear and (most days) live in surrender. I am clearer on what I want in life. I love myself. Whew! I feel better already.

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